A secret lingers in her thoughts. She cannot hold it in any longer but the sound of his voice keeps it in. A tear falls from her face knowing that she’s not the little girl that she used to be. Life is dark for her and she struggles her way through the cracks. The world is dark and damp but she still hangs in there. Death creeps apon her, nightmares keep her awake at night. The angels hope for the best and try to keep her safe but they know that her time is coming and they can’t stop it. She tries to keep strong but now she’s slowly losing hope. Bones snap and her legs give way. Her lungs stall and her blood stops. Everything has stopped. Her heart as one last beat and then it slowly stops. The ground catches her and her body cracks as it hits the ground. A hole opens up and swollows her whole. Her secret is safe with Lucifer now, but when it’s his time, he’ll be the one telling the secret.
Comment #2
Yes, what about it
Comment #1
A hole opens up and swollows her whole. Her secret is safe with Lucifer now, but when it’s his time, he’ll be the one telling the secret.