I madly for my lover,
The Stars are in love with the sky” The Flowers are in love with morning dew, Like my heart is bowled over by my sweetheart, I am madly in love with you ” The rains are in love with clouds” like your eyes love the kohl” like your feet love anklets,i am in love with you, There was no one”I could lay down my life for,Or sacrifice my world of happiness” There was no one in sight.” “i could call my sweetheart” “like dreams loves eyes and eyes love nights” “and night love memories, I’m love with you. “i had everything, but not a sweet heart,” although there was a cloudburst, there was no rain,my heart held this against me,”that i could not see the face that was hidden in my heart,Like hands love bangles, Like henna loves brides, Like heart -beat in a heart,”that’s just I love my sweetheart.
Yours Friend
Aung Aung
Comment #2
Feel again
Comment #1
i love my sweetheart