This Is All In My dreams….
I can’t dare to tell you
I am not brave to chronicle you
I am not strong enough to think of you
I can’t ask myself what to do
Tell me, hold me, hug me, make me stronger…
I desire to call you “my love”
But the sound can’t come out in my mouth
Why? WHY? wHy? whY?
All the questions are coming my mind
Drove me crazy..
Please stop it, you can do it,,,
I can’t enough to love you
How can I tell my love to you
Won’t you know my love
Or Don’t you understand
Please tell me, I am dying without you..
I dream about you all night
I keep saying about you
I just shouting your name over and over again
I compeletely love you in my soul…
I keep saying whole my life..
Holding your hand
Bring you my world
Make the world full of smile
That is all in my eyes and dreams..
Trying to be
Comment #2
Nice choice of words with sweet-heart.
Why not?
U r a good creator.
If u daren’t tell,give letters.
I know u can do.

Comment #1
ကဗ်ာေလးဖတ္ရတာ သီခ်င္းေလးတစ္ပုဒ္လိုပါပဲ ေကာင္းပါတယ္