Don’t Leave Me Alone
Do you hear me, I am crying
Do you hear me, I am calling
I don’t think you won’t be able to hear me
I don’t think I am the only one
I trust you,
I gave all my love to you
I remembered
You said I am the only one who is pretty
Who you are going to love and marry..
Now, what is happened
I am crying, dying of missing you
Why did you lie to me
I sank in your talky
I don’t think that you are going to do it to me
I don’t need anything beside you…
I am a lone waiting you
I hope you will return to me
I don’t wanna spend my life without you
How can I passed the water-festival
I need you, don’t leave me……….
Why did you hate me
Because I am not pretty
Because I am not cute
Becaue I am not hot
Because I am not sexy
Tell me why,
I will be as you wish
But I need you right now…
I wrote for heart broken girl’s point of view….Please check it out..
Comment #2
I was touching….
thnx 4 sharing…!

Comment #1
Plz tell to the poor lovely girl.
Plz ,,plz,,
U r preety.
U r cute.
U r so hot.
U r sexy.
Believe urself.
U r what u did. So U’ ll get what u give.